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Inbound Email Relay

Route 'noreply' type emails back to your server.

No-Code Integration

MX-Relay does not require any code to route email replies back to your server. An MX record for your domain or subdomain is all that's required.

Domain		example.com.
TTL		1936
Class		IN
Type		MX
Priority	10
Host		yourname.mx-relay.net.

Usage Scenarios

MX-Relay is best suited for websites that use server generated outbound emails, such as via SMTP, but don't have or don't want to use an email client for inbound emails or replies to outbound emails. Instead, you would rather route inbound emails or replies to your website for processing.

With a little bit of web server coding, you can use MX-Relay to create a Craigslist-style anonmyous email system (e.g. 'relay email'). For more information, or to inquire about consulting services, please contact us.

MX-Relay does not provide outbound SMTP email services.
For referrals to free outbound email services, please contact us.